
Three Notorious Misconceptions About BPO Solutions, DEBUNKED (1 of 2)

Three Notorious Misconceptions About BPO Solutions, DEBUNKED (Part 1 of 2)

Have you considered the advantages of BPO solutions to your business? Or are you among those hesitant, even wary about the prospect? Outsourcing is staple practice in big corporations, but does this translate to small businesses and start-ups? There are many reasons why businesses avoid BPO services and its potential to bolster operations. However, it’s likely some of these reasons are based on faulted notions on the industry.

If you’ve yet to hire a BPO service provider, this short list is meant for you. Consider these three misconceptions on BPO that are far from the truth; you have a lot to gain by outsourcing your business!

Misconception #1: You’re Risking Your Data

This is by far one of the most pressing concerns companies have against outsourcing. Entrusting operations to BPO solutions means you’re willing to hand over necessary, essential data. Aren’t you going out on a limb, is the risk too much for the payoff? This is reason why companies want to keep processes contained and in-house. After all, supervising your teams hands-on sounds better than having someone else handle them for you.

As is with anything worth doing in business, due diligence is your ally in sourcing processes to a BPO provider. Scout and shortlist all viable prospects, conduct background checks. Grill your prospects for credibility and competence. You’ll eventually realize one of the perks of outsourcing debunks the next point:

Misconception #2: BPO Solutions Is Costly

This needs to be addressed bluntly: outsourcing is as feasible as you want it to be. Not costly or cheap, but feasible. The resources you’ll invest in outsourcing will have ROI comparable to investing in-house, but there’s significant difference in cost. There’s competition among BPO companies to provide service at competitive rates, for one thing. You have a range of options to consider, in cost and terms.

The source of the service is also a practicality, usually involving offshore companies with competitive, feasible offers. The least you can do is consider BPO solutions for a limited run, and then compare costs spent with your previous practice.

Misconception #3: No Control, Oversight On The Project

The notion is you’re giving the BPO service provider control of the campaign, down to the smallest details. This is true in as far as you’re granting autonomy, but if you’ve done your due diligence there’s nothing to worry about. A good BPO company will also have supervisors on board who will ensure your interests are prioritized throughout the campaign.

Let a reliable third party handle the details, and you’ll have more time and energy to focus on the big picture. Partner with a good BPO company, someone able to take care of day-to-day routines, ensuring your long-term goals are on track.

(Part 2 of 2) Here’s How You Negotiate With A BPO Services Provider

(Part 2 of 2) Here’s How You Negotiate With A BPO Services Provider

You should always negotiate with a BPO services provider, as much as you can. There’s always room to bargain from initial proposal. But, as established in a previous post, silence can be an effective negotiation tactic. There’s a handful of ideal opportunities when you’re better off staying put, and here are three more to consider the next time you consider a quote:

1. When The Other Party Makes A Counter-Offer

Have you ever felt stonewalled? It’s unpleasant and frustrating, and you’re at a disadvantage the first few minutes after you’re given the cold shoulder. This is but natural, since there’s an expectation for immediate response in communication. The trick is responding with a meaningful pause, long enough to cause the other party to flinch.

Silence in negotiation is an acquired skill, though. If you’re corresponding in person, supplement your silence with a nod of acknowledgment. If it’s a phone conversation, stall with hanging responses like “I see…” or “I understand…” Reserve this tactic for the most important terms in the negotiation.

2. After The Initial Small Talk, Right Before You Talk Brass Tacks

Pleasantries are important in business correspondence. You need to build rapport with a BPO services provider so you’re relaxed the moment you talk details. However, the challenge is in the transition; how do you bridge the gap between small talk and real talk? It turns out silence (or short pause) could be the only transition you need.

The brief lull in conversation gives both of you breathing space. It also allows you to effortlessly shift gears, as soon as possible. Bide your time and wait for your prospect to resume the thread, though. If you have initial terms and proposals, best wait what the other party has in mind. You can then adjust responses in your favor.

3. Immediately After You’ve Presented Terms To A BPO Services Provider

This complements the first point; you should give your prospect ample time to compose a response. In turn, you’ll also pick up queues from the other party (in face-to-face conversation). Do you see disappointment or relief? Rethink your strategy according to the response. It’s a given face-to-face correspondence is preferable to text, audio, even video chat; you’re missing out on all those non-verbal cues if you don’t meet your prospect in person.

If silence is too much and you need to break the ice, you can pitch pointed questions instead. Loaded questions like “What are your comments on our proposal?” or “We sent you terms yesterday. Any thoughts?” catch your prospect on guard. This puts the burden of response on your prospect.

It’s possible the BPO services provider you’re considering is fine with the terms. Aren’t you thankful you didn’t open negotiations by offering a discount? Develop silence as a staple tactic and you’ll notice an increase in meaningful, favorable negotiations. It takes a while to learn, but it’s second nature with persistence and practice.

Outsource Customer Service? Here's How You Negotiate With A BPO Service Provider

Planning To Outsource Customer Service? Here’s How You Negotiate With A BPO Service Provider (Part 1 of 2)

Are you sifting through offers and counter-offers from providers? Option is always a good thing, the more the merrier. But, squeezing the best deal out of your candidates requires different skill: negotiation. If you’re going to outsource customer service, the negotiations determine how feasible the terms turn out. You don’t want to be on the losing end of the agreement, even if it’s a bargain.

Silence is a tactic seldom used in negotiations. But, if timed properly and in the right context, your silence will give you the upper hand. Here are three opportunities you’ll leverage by staying quiet:

1. When The Other Party Makes An Unreasonable Demand

Your impulse could be to protest with a retort, but in almost every occasion it’s better to stay quiet. At the very least, sustain a prolonged pause. The other party might be thinking you’ll cave in or argue; either way they get what they wanted. It’s also possible the goal is to obtain a reaction from you; will you flinch?

The best response is to keep your composure and stay still. This is effective if you don’t know exactly how to respond, not yet. The other party may have caught you off guard. Don’t show it, stall until you’ve regained your bearing.

2. When You Realize You’re Monopolizing The Talk Time

It happens. You’re so engrossed in your pitch you forget the other party may have reservations with your proposal. Or the questions piled up unaddressed because you’ve rattled so much information it’s too late to backtrack. Note that some prospects like to bide their time so they can build a case against your offer, and then retaliate with a nasty, point-to-point counter.

Discretion is important in negotiations; tread slowly, like you’re walking on eggshells. Share only information relevant to the negotiation, the bare minimum. Everything else can wait. Compare the conversation (or correspondence) to chess, where every move you make has end-game consequence.

3. When The Other Party Is Speaking

Never interrupt; it works to your advantage. If you’re going to outsource customer service, apply the principle of good conversation with intentional listening. Is your prospect five minutes into a litany of terms and exclusions? Hear the other party out; approach it as someone after a bargain, and find a way to turn the tables, if you can.

Take notes, and use these as fodder for your counter-offer. It’s ideal if the negotiation is conducted over email, but the same principles apply in person or over the phone. Maintain presence of mind in the interchange, and resist any urge to butt in on your prospect’s spiel.

Finding the best BPO service provider can be a challenge, especially if you want to outsource customer service to a provider with the most feasible bid. Remember, silence is your ally in negotiations; when in doubt, pause and resist the urge the speak out.

Choosing BPO Solutions: Is Your Company A Small Business Or Start-up?

Choosing BPO Solutions: Is Your Company A Small Business Or Start-up?

Would you brand your company a small business or start-up? There’s a difference between these labels, depending on how you consider your scale. Start-up is the hip word for entrepreneurs aiming real high real fast, while small business is the preferred label for conservative entrepreneurs. It turns out your company’s trajectory, not to mention your options in BPO solutions, are reflected on either of these terms.
How can you tell if you’re building a small business or start-up?

1. How Fast Do You Want To Scale?

It’s like scaling a wall; some scamper will others take their time. If you believe slow and steady wins the race, then you have the mindset of a small business entrepreneur. Its main advantage is stability and adaptability. Small businesses often have a fall back plan if ever things go south.

On the other hand, many start-ups are trailblazers by comparison. Often backed up by generous funding from sponsors and venture capitalists. Expansion is priority, and some are practically bubbles waiting to pop. Small businesses grow within predetermined limits; the sky is often the limit with start-ups.

2. Choosing BPO Solutions: Simple or Complex?

Small business also have the advantage of streamlined simplicity. This is due to smaller workforce and operations. There’s freedom to concentrate on the core of the business and consider the feasibility of BPO solutions, rather than figuring out ways to expand before it’s feasible. Start-ups face the problems of large corporations, too much too soon.

3. Real Teams or Expendable Parts?

All businesses are people-oriented, but some more than the others. One defining factor of small business is its focus on people as part of an organic, functioning team. This approach is carried over to BPO solutions used to support operations. Start-ups may be burdened by so many moving parts that the people become secondary, valued as much as they’re replaceable.

Make no mistake, the continuing goals of business are progress and expansion. It’s your pacing that makes the difference. You need not stay small forever, but you should always ensure you’re capable of the transition before you jump.

Did You Earn Your Weekend? A Three-Step Guide For The BPO Contact Center Industry

Did You Earn Your Weekend? A Three-Step Guide For The BPO Contact Center Industry

There’s a reason why people say “thank goodness it’s Friday.” When was the last time you heard someone rant about the weekend? By weekend we mean the period when you actually enjoy some rest and relaxation. Sure, in some industries the definition of the weekend shifts with the schedule (think BPO contact center representatives). Some office staff also take pleasure in ensuring the work for the workweek is really behind them.

For most people, the weekend starts after Friday rush hour, and can end up to the wee hours of Monday morning. Some feel guilty about enjoying the weekend, though, especially when there’s still work left to finish. How do you know you deserve the break, then? Here are three signs you’ve had a great workweek:

1. You plotted and finished goals for your workweek.

Nothing’s more satisfying than knowing you’ve ticked items on docket. Did you complete your mid-term goals, finished all routine tasks? Work never really ends, though, and there’s probably more waiting for you by next week. The point is you were able to put as much as you can behind you, enough to start afresh.

On the flip side, the BPO contact center operates under wildly shifting schedules, and it’s likely workweeks are of uneven lengths. Turnover tasks also vary. “Do all you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt knows what it means to do meaningful work.

2. You took on tasks that are over your head, and prevailed.

This is icing on the cake of a great workweek. Did you have items on agenda more than you could handle? Maybe you finally took on tasks you’ve been dreading for a month? Were you forced to jump-start tasks no one else dared to touch? Finishing tasks you didn’t expect to start is great motivation for your weekend. Plan something special and celebrate.

Of course, the downside is realizing you’ve held on for so long on tasks, which is procrastinating. There are always items low on people’s priority lists; thank yourself you finally found it in you to start and finish these.

3. You innovated.

You’ll only appreciate something new when you’ve tread the old routine. Did you discover how to improve on existing processes? Maybe you met a client who have ideas that spark new growth to your business? Did you unlock potential you didn’t know you had? Anything that improves upon the old should be welcome, and you should pat yourself on the back for the achievement.

The BPO contact center is fast-paced and routine-based, and office staff are known for handling the same tasks periodically. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can inject innovations to enhance processes, skip steps, improve output?

Everyone deserves the weekend. Especially those who can put their stamp of approval on the previous workweek. If for some reason you evaluated your work and found it lacking, don’t worry. Next week will catch up soon enough.

Hiring a BPO Process Provider, and Four Trends Your Business Can't Do Without In 2017

Four Trends Your Business Can’t Do Without In 2017

The business landscape is always changing, and the companies who thrive are often the ones who are able to adapt. Many business models follow tread the trail of the risky start-ups, aggressive in marketing and spending; this is only doable if yours has enough financial backing to cushion the setbacks. The BPO process provider is also a big player in cost-efficiency; a lot of companies are turning to third parties to fill their human resources needs.

It’s no surprise this year’s trends in business are familiar; you’ve probably integrated this into your model. In case you’re relatively new in the industry, here are four of the most pressing trends your business shouldn’t do without:

Big Data

Information technology is the catch phrase of modern industry. Now more than ever, businesses put a premium on data collection, processing, analysis, implementation. This is priority regardless of the industry you’re in; you need data to execute effective campaigns, market research before a product launch, background checks before building teams. You have everything to gain from well-informed decisions, but the extent of your need depends on the scope of your business.

Diversity in Approach

Competition is peaked, and companies who see opportunity in unlikely places have the advantage. Think of Uber and Amazon’s business models. You can consider these companies pioneers in their industries, and now they’re the standards of the conventional. If you’ve yet to launch your business, consider your approach in marketing, production, distribution. Do you have something new (even revolutionary) to offer? Is there a need competitors fail to recognize. Sometimes a shift in business philosophy makes a difference: hiring a BPO process provider can cut your costs, ensure efficient results in places well beyond your reach.

Social Media

Maximize your mileage on the market through social media. Consider what you’ll miss out on if you don’t take advantage of the platforms: your competitors gain exposure from a massive, organic audience. Think of all the leads you’re passing up on. It’s also not enough to create accounts on all the staple platforms; optimize your feeds and following if you want to r. Engagement is key to successful social media campaign. It also helps to build your network exponentially.


Development in AI is an unlikely trend, one that’s often associated with electronics and technology. Artificial intelligence, however, overreaches various aspects of business, including operations, production, marketing, and research. AI enhances business decisions, detects flaws and opportunities, and allows strategies to be implemented to achieve optimal results. Research in AI is fast-paced and ever-progressive. Invest in the newest applications in AI if you want reap its benefits.

These trends were either non-existent or obscure in previous decades. These are also proof on how big businesses are able to adapt over time. Follow their lead and keep your business playbook updated.

Hiring a BPO Service Provider: Is My Business Ready For Scaling?

Hiring a BPO Service Provider: Is My Business Ready For Scaling?

It’s every entrepreneur’s dilemma: scaling the business to the next level. This often means expansion and the potential for bigger revenue. It also means more costs, more involved management. Business without risks is hardly worthwhile, and an efficient BPO service provider can help you with the legwork. There’s still the nagging question, though. How do you know if you’re ready for deeper waters?
This thought keeps most entrepreneurs up at night, and in retrospect, there are those who decided prematurely, failing after the fact. But then again, no guts no glory. It’s just a matter of ensuring the risks are manageable and well worth the payoff.

Priorities, Priorities

You might be surprised the first consideration should be personal, not professional. It also ties in with your decision to hire a BPO service provider to lighten the burden. One of the goals of scaling is for personal growth, to accommodate your personal priorities. It may be family, a newly discovered hobby, or investing more time in charity; your expanding business should make room for any pet project that adds value to your life.

Plot A Manageable Time Frame

Divide your long-term goals in a series of short time frames, to keep your scaling efforts manageable. If your immediate expansion takes a year to complete, what are your specific goals? Increase your core staff from 20 to 50? Branch out to a new location? Include a new service offering? Keep your scaling periods short, doable, and feasible.

Success with your start-up calls for celebration, and the best way to do it is to integrate your personal and professional goals. You’re the one who calls the shots after all, and the best reward for work well done is to improve work-life balance.

Here are some points to keep in mind before you hire a BPO service provider:

Scalability should be part of your business model by default. Now is as good a time as any if you’ve yet to plan ahead. Be a visionary and build your business for the long run, anticipating demand from an expanding customer base. How do you know if you’ve successfully scaled the business? You’re not scrambling to accommodate the flow of new prospects, for one thing.

Dig deep in your foundation. A simplified business model is more scalable, allowing you to transition with minimal waste. Logistics is an immediate concern in expanding businesses, something which should
already be resolved.

It’s counter-intuitive to think your human resource isn’t a priority in expansion, but this should be true to a certain extent in a scalable business. Recruitment and retention is still essential, but your business should be stable enough to weather (or transcend) the impact of any employee’s input. This is where a BPO service provider is most feasible; you’re able to focus on facilitating the expansion when someone else handles the details.

Eventually your business should be established enough to mitigate bumps along the way, even serious shakedowns. You’ll notice the decision to scale a business starts with your personal priorities; once you have these established and hedged, you won’t be fazed as much with setbacks and missteps.

The Most Successful Entrepreneurs Possess These Three Traits

There’s one trait common among entrepreneurs, successful or otherwise: there’s a willingness to accept risks. The prospects in business either turn out great or sour, and outcomes depend on numerous variables. Most of these variables are difficult, even impossible to control. However, in face of uncertainties, the only constant you can control is how you respond to situations. Can you recall the last time your business was at crucial point?

It’s no surprise your response to uncertainties and outcomes is an indicator of success (or failure). It takes at least a month to start or break a habit, and kudos to those who have the resolve of a US Navy Seal. If you’ve yet to develop the traits of a hardened businessman, adopt the following traits as your priorities:

1. Focus on solutions, not problems

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by roadblocks along your path to success. You probably know by now being entrepreneur isn’t a cakewalk, far from it. The same tenacity that got you this far should tide you in for long haul, right? It’s healthy to anticipate problems on the horizon, but you can only deal with these when within reach. Cross the bridge when you get there.

What to do when the problem is up ahead, then? Consider these as challenges paired with rewards. Remember, the biggest companies started small; it’s often an uphill climb when you start from the very bottom. Regardless of the terrain and the steepness of your ascent, treat every obstacle as opportunity for growth. Your most rewarding solutions are gleaned from the most hard-fought battles; find that silver lining.

2. Keep investing in feasible ventures

You’ll be tempted to stay in your comfort zone when you’ve achieved moderate success. After all, when you have more than enough, it’s as good as any reason to lie back and reap the rewards of efforts. If this is where you are now, that dreaded success plateau, then you should set your sights higher, look to Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson. Their approach on progress should knock you back to your senses.

The most successful barely even live within their means. Most spend for only the best in basic necessities, investing the bulk of money in a new venture. This seems so counter-intuitive for non-entrepreneurs, splurging on rewards as soon as there’s surplus to spend. A successful businessman shouldn’t have an end game; there’s always a new venture to invest or expand. Instead of spending your money on stuff and experience, put the bulk of it to work.

3. Never stop learning

The day you think there’s nothing left to learn is the day you never will. Often, it’s a serious drawback that knocks the senses, makes you realize you really haven’t figured it all out. If there’s one thing you should splurge on, it has to be on your personal development. If you’re taking a vacation, learn something from the getaway you can apply in business.

Having an open mind goes a long way; there’s always something to learn from every situation, every person you meet. Learning is also sacrifice, choosing to spend leisure time on personal improvement. Progress is appreciated on a day-to-day basis, but is undeniable years in retrospect. Like they say, you can fill a bucket with water in one go, or drop by drop. Fill yours at your own best pace.

Running a business is like running a marathon; those who have what it takes to endure, eventually succeed. Mind the setbacks enough to resolve these; remember, nothing is permanent in business. The law of averages confirm that you try often enough and you’re bound to succeed. The odds are eventually in your favor.

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3 Things You Need To Know About The Millennials Market

Can you still remember music before the mp3 format? How about life before Facebook? What seems like the distant past actually happened a few decades ago; Millennials were the first generation to enjoy the perks of future tech. Now there’s something new released every month, rolling over the horizon with the craziest features and innovations. New technologies hardly surprise anymore. What will they think of next?

It’s a mistake to ignore the market of Millennials, and it can be fatal to corporations and small businesses alike. The market is insatiable, and this is a good thing because there’s always potential for growth. The challenge is in learning to adapt to an ever-adapting generation. If your business is leveraging staff leasing service to streamline operations, it’s likely the team you hire is mostly made up of Millennials. If you’re into consumer tech and applications, Millennials will surely carve a significant piece of your market.

How do you prime your business so it appeals to Millennials? Thankfully, Generation Y has three reliable characteristics you can leverage:

1. Millennials Love Anything Tech

This is an understatement, but must be mentioned. The generation grew up with technology that instantly gratifies needs and wants. You can purchase products without leaving your home, and you can watch anything in high-resolution on a five-inch screen. Recent surveys confirm that Millennials adore technology, they’ll flock towards anything that has barely any semblance of a cult following.

Engage your market where they gather. Millennials prefer mobile devices over desktop and laptop computers, so your brand should be visible, accessible on small screens. Anticipate new technologies like Google Glass and Oculus, and consider how you can leverage innovations to spread word about your brand.

2. Millennials Love to Socialize Online

Facebook should merely scratch the surface of your social media strategy. If you really want to earn street credibility at social media, scrape as much good reputation as you can on all platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat; there’s plenty more platforms to mention. You can’t underestimate the influence of a timely Twitter hashtag, or a Facebook post that for some fluke of reason goes viral.

The point is to approach your social media strategy the same way Millennials do: try everything until you find something that works. However, you need choose platforms that complements your campaign. What works on Instagram may not work on Pinterest, and hashtags don’t have as much impact on Facebook as they do on Twitter.

3. Millennials Love to Keep It Real

Case in point: Dove’s Real Beauty campaign appeals to women of all ages, but especially to Millennials feeling the pressure of unrealistic expectations. Dove utilized every media platform to push a relevant advocacy, which is also directly tied to a solid brand. Dove has become the brand synonymous to real beauty. You only need one great idea to start a great campaign.

Tug at your market’s heartstrings or pick its brain, whatever appeals to authenticity, social responsibility, or identity will catch on. You’ll know you’re onto something good when your campaign is growing on the social media channels.

Consider current and upcoming generations in your business strategy. Chances are most of the people on your team belong to the Y and Z generations, strong indicators the next generations should be priorities in your business development.

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Dear Small Business Owner: You Also Need Staff Leasing Service

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Branding Your Business Is Building Your Identity

How would you describe your company as a brand? Branding is crucial to all businesses, but especially to start-ups staking their niche on the industry. Survey the history of any successful business and you’ll notice its brand can evolve, but is often identified by one defining value.

Your branding is your identity in the industry, also the market’s perception of your business. This will set you apart in the face of tight competition, keep you relevant when the market is shaky, volatile, unpredictable. Have you ever wondered why the best brands are able to charge more for products and services? It’s because they’ve developed deep connection with their markets, a relationship based on brand trust.

If you’re still figuring out your company brand, here are a handful of guidelines to consider:

1. Defining your brand. This has everything to do with your product or service, as well as your niche in the industry. What’s your target market and demographics? Pinpoint the particular appeal of your business to your customers. How is your business set apart from the competition? Is it customer service, product quality, consistency? Your brand is a set of character traits that promote your business, something that deeply relates to your customer base.

2. Think of your brand as a person, with quirks, preferences, character. Many business brands are inseparable from their founders: think Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. Is the CEO the face and embodiment of your business brand? Some also humanize their business as a brand, ascribing mission, vision, and purpose as characteristic traits. Does the company have its own set of heroes and mentors? Clarify your core values if you want to flesh out your business brand.

3. Build relationships with your market. Nothing spoils a brand than a string of empty promises. If you’re going to announce the release of a revolutionary product, make sure expectations are met upon launch date. In short, don’t sit on a bubble that will eventually pop. Building trust with your customers means you respect their preferences and expectations, ensuring you’ll deliver to any guarantee you’ll ever make.

Building a brand requires patience and consistency, and you might stumble over roadblocks and potholes along the way. However, you’re sure to gain traction, so long as you stay true to your company’s core values.

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