
Effective Customer Support System: Proactively Building on What Works

Is customer support one of your business’s priorities? It’s the front-line response in many industries, but especially in retail, sales, and the service sectors. Successful businesses put a premium on their customers, from start-ups to conglomerates. It’s no surprise, considering the pull social media and feedback platforms have on public perception.

An effective customer support system anticipates concerns and complaints, resolves these, and prevents potential backlash caused by insufficient or inefficient response. In any case, your customer support team should have these key attitudes by default, if you want to maintain positive feedback and reputation:

1. Be Available – is your support team available to respond to customers 24/7, across different time zones? How about on holidays? What’s the current response rate of your customer support teams, across the categories of user concerns (billing, refund, replacement, cancellations)? If you can maintain immediate (lightning-fast) response rates to concerns, your team will likely be on the good side of customers, reassuring even the most irate person you’re on their side. You want the matter resolved as much as they do.

2. Be Proactive – this can save you a lot of potential trouble! Negative feedback can spread like wildfire, especially if the flak comes from an influencer in the community. Evaluate the bulk of concerns handled so far, shortlist the most pressing issues, and anticipate these moving forward. This improves the quality of your resolutions, and may even spare you lawsuits and settlements caused by warranted complaints.

3. Treat All Customers as Priorities – it’s true you’ll eventually see patterns as you resolve customer concerns, but it’s best to think of each complaint and inquiry unique from the rest. You’ll be more attentive to specifics of concerns, when you resolve emails or phone calls like you would if you met customers in person. Custom messages are more personal, even for canned and automated responses. Recipients will also know the difference between lip and excellent service.

4. Build on What Works – if you’ve determined what aspects and processes work, by all means capitalize and build on these, make the process more efficient. It might involve schedules, queuing, quality control, or delegation; you can improve on weak areas once your strengths are defined and developed.

Prevention is better than damage control, but hopefully you won’t have to choose either of these. With an efficient, accurate customer support system, you’ll have fewer doubts of having rogue customers ruining your company’s reputation. In any case, you’ll at least able to fend off complaints with airtight, documented processes and resolutions.

Increase Response With Better Follow Up Methods, Hire Companies That Outsource Support

Increase Response With Better Follow Up Methods, Hire Companies That Outsource Support

Cold calls or follow-up, which is more difficult? Companies that outsource support are familiar with the difficulty of establishing a good connection with prospects. However, in practice, trying to get establish an effective follow-up campaign can even be more challenging.

If you’re operating a call center, you’ve likely experienced the frustration. It’s easier if you’re aware of different practices that improve follow-up campaigns:

1. Don’t be annoying, be engaging.

Add value to your calls with prospects. Right from the initial call, agents should inquire clients ways to stay in touch. Clients know the most effective ways they can be reached for follow-up. Have a strategy to implement throughout the conversation. Engage upon contact, offer specific information that might interest each type of customer. For better results, pay closer attention to common customer concerns, preferences.

After finding out essential information and building rapport, ask prospects about their preferred form of communication. In this step, you are also securing their commitment, as well as any possible level of responsiveness to the interaction.

2. Get commitment for a follow-up.

Representatives make the biggest mistake of not properly establishing a specific date and time for the follow-up at the end of the first call. Hire companies that outsource support so you’re able to hurdle these pitfalls. You may even have encountered such scenario and simply agreed to a prospect’s “Call me next week” responses, or you may have even delivered a resounding “Alright. I’ll send you the proposal and follow up in a couple of days.”

This is crucial in establishing trust and catching the prospect’s attention. Understand the necessity of asking for a follow-up date and time. Vague answers and schedules are not going to help you in keeping in touch with any possible client. The process is similar to setting and receiving deadlines at work. It’s a powerful tactic so learn to use it properly. You don’t want to have a lot of missed calls or a longer sales cycle.

3. Send a reminder, set an agenda.

After you have successfully set a desirable date and time for the follow-up call, email your prospects a day before the appointment. Remember to carefully place the reminder on the subject line to catch the attention of the client. Try using this example: “Phone appointment for September 12th and article of interest.” Then, the content of the email must confirm the date and time of your appointment as well as the agenda for the call. Also, don’t forget to reduce the pressure of such follow-up, by opening a possible consideration for the prospect to discuss any concerns regarding the steps to take after the call.

4. Spare customers the template introductions.

Avoid starting the conversation with the common telesales agent opening statements such as “I was calling to follow-up on the proposal.” Also “I’m calling to see if you had any questions, and the reason for the follow-up was to see if you had come to a decision.” These are not poor statements, however, they are all obviously routine phrases that you simply had to use. Picking one of these will not establish your difference with other center representatives. Try working on a more intimate approach, one that builds better connection with the prospect.

5. Be polite, be persistent, and be professional.

There may not be a single formula for success, but with these final tips your agents may improve on closing sales. In every statement you give, remember how you would wish to be treated as a client but don’t go over the top even if you only have to leave a voice mail. Then, if you are not successful with the first call because the client’s not there, call in the next 10 minutes. In this manner, you are being persistent without being intrusive.

Should you have further trouble in reaching the prospects, consider hiring companies that outsource customer support. Otherwise, a good rule is to wait half a day. If you have been calling, leave a final voice mail, leave impression you’re available for the client by giving your number. Finally, be professional; if you still pursue the lead, space your follow-ups three business days apart.

Consider Companies That Outsource Support

This is actually your first and best solution. BPO companies can handle the brunt of the work with team and facilities dedicated for the task.

These are only some of the essential steps that can help you in improving your chances of getting replies from follow-up calls. Remember you have to understand the customer’s type and needs first to fully balance the specific actions to take. Learning these additional strategies gives you an edge over the competition.

Optimizing BPO Call Center Options: Orienting Agents Before Rollout

Optimizing BPO Call Center Options: Orienting Agents Before Rollout

As a real-time medium, contact center support continues to gain traction over the years, with many companies outsourcing their services to BPO call center companies. If you want to lease service that’s effective in voice support, here are some services you should expect from the provider you choose:

Customers Transcripts Are Available If Necessary

It’s a surefire way to ensure that the interactions with the customers is transparent. Customers are going to want to save the useful information they get whenever they talk to agents. Note this service isn’t staple from most providers, so consider these added value to the offer. Agents must be ready to email a copy of the transcript to customers after the live chat, provided the need and urgency are established.

Mastery Of Products Or Services Endorsed

Common knowledge? Unfortunately, you’ll find BPO call center companies that are content with general knowledge of the client’s offerings. To avoid this, your provider should be fully aware of what you have to offer, follow-up on current discounts or promotions. Informed agents definitely make customers happy, ensuring conversations are pleasant and progressive.

A Positive, Can-Do Attitude

In terms of delivering a good customer experience, having the knowledge is not enough. It’s also important to give off a pleasant and approachable vibe to the person you’re talking to. How exactly can your provider do this? It’s all in the mindset. Every challenge is an opportunity to serve clients as best as you can, anyway you can.

Prompt And Responsive

A key aspect of contact center support is almost-instant interactivity. Customers are going to expect that they talk to an agent as quickly as possible. When it comes down to it, agents shouldn’t keep them waiting for more than 10 seconds. The best chat agents can do so with four to six simultaneous requests, too.

Your BPO Call Center Should Remain Grounded, Genuine

Customers are going to see all through those pleasantries, particularly if they feel they’re just weaving through to a spiel. It’s important to be honest in every live chat session – no empty promises. Own up to the limits of what you can do. This could mean that if you don’t have knowledge of the issue at hand, you should simply transfer the session to a superior or an agent who specializes in the subject matter.

These Five Language Hacks Will Improve Your Call Center Customer Service

These Five Language Hacks Will Improve Your Call Center Customer Service

Customer service is all about response and engagement. Whether you’re handling complaints or outreach, your choice of words determine the outcome. This is more important in call center customer service; focus on tone and phrasing, because even your pauses have meaning. It’s fortunate you can develop customer service with training and practice.

You want to convey your best interest during the conversation. You’ve composed your email and reviewed the spiels to use on the campaign. Are you putting your clients’ best interests as priority? Consider these five language adjustments if you want to improve engagement and service:

1. Use “We” And “I” Appropriately

The trick is to use “I” when you’re bearing responsibility, “we” when you want to reassure clients their concerns will be resolved. Approach each engagement like you’re part of the team, even if you’re the one doing all the legwork. You’ll send an impression everyone is on board towards reaching a resolution, and your clients consider you part of the company instead of a lone representative.

Use “I” sparingly, and only when you’re assuming responsibility for a problem. Sometimes you’ll be tempted to use this pronoun when taking credit: don’t. You’re better off sharing the kudos to the team.

2. Use “I Don’t” Instead Of “I Can’t”

Starting your sentence with “I can’t” conveys helplessness, an inability to resolve the client’s concern. Isn’t solution the goal of support? In call center customer service, “I can’t” negates your efforts to build rapport with your customer. Remember, there’s always something you can do to resolve a problem, including escalating it to an immediate superior.

Using “I don’t” in your response means you’re decisive, proactive. It also confirms you’re on top of the situation. Offer alternatives to your client if you cannot accommodate the preferred option.

3. “Value” Is Crucial In Call Center Customer Service

Nothing relays you value your clients than explicitly saying you value them. In heated complaints, this is reassurance you’re exerting effort towards resolution. It’s hard to show empathy over the phone or through email, apart from explicitly saying what you mean, straightforward and concise.

Say “I value your concern,” or “we want you to know you’re a valued customer.” Make sure you deliver to the statement in the meantime, though, take steps to ensure you’re in progress with solutions.

4. “I apologize” Instead Of “I’m Sorry”

There’s subtle difference between the two phrases. It’s similar to the efficiency of “I don’t” over “I can’t.” For starters, “I’m sorry” is too casual and familiar, the phrase you use when you have no solution left to offer. On the other hand, “I apologize” hints you’re accountable to the mishap, and you’re taking responsibility for the consequence.

“I apologize” is also diplomatic compared to “I’m sorry.” You’re owning up to the fault, but you’re not resigned to finish the conversation with offering the best, alternative solution.

5. Use “Sincerely” In Valediction

Do you ever struggle when it comes to closing your conversation, correspondence? What are your stock phrases when signing off on your letter? It turns out some phrases leave better impressions than others, and “Sincerely,” is the best way to sign off the conversation.

Adapt your language to your relationship with your recipient; a hint of familiarity is often best, especially in call center customer service. “Best regards,” “best wishes,” and “yours truly” are good finishers, but nothing beats “sincerely” in clarity and brevity.

Language is your first tool in customer relations. If you’re into the business of people, it’s crucial you use it with precision. Implement these hacks regularly and you’ll notice an improvement in customer feedback, retention, and acquisition.

Customer Services: Three Essential Processes

At the heart of every business endeavor lies the basic need to deliver quality products or services. And though there is a myriad of ways to go about achieving this end goal, it’s still important to remember order processing is just as crucial. A fast, easy, and reliable system of order processing can make for an accurate and hassle-free experience, leading to customer satisfaction and continued patronage. So the need for a proper order processing system, especially in the Digital Age when products or services can be easily accessed online, should be prioritized and properly designed for smooth and seamless transactions.

There are key factors business owners should keep in mind to create an effective order taking and processing system, though they are usually overlooked and unappreciated, these are significant just the same. With online services continually improving and becoming more and more customizable, it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the tech, and forget about the main purpose of the whole transaction.

Standard Forms

Starting the whole transaction is the customer placing their order, and in comes the all-important order form. Whether via telephone, web, or in writing, the form should be simple and straightforward, for the benefit of both the customer and the company’s internal teams. All details and relevant variants of the service or the product should be present to easily provide an accurate account of what the customer wants from the company; and it’s in the representative’s best interest to make sure the customer properly understands the requirements and information for a smooth transaction.

The filled up form should be regularly confirmed with the customer. Double-check to make sure everything is in order, and reassure customers they are getting what they want, for the proper price agreed upon. Once the order is finally placed, the completed form would breeze through being processed and getting to the customer.

Order Confirmation and Status

Between the time of placing the order and receiving the product or service, customers would want to know the order’s status. As with the process of taking the customer’s order, representatives should confirm the details of the order placement, complete with a reference number and the receipt of the order purchased. Customers should also be duly notified by the delivery status of the order, if there are any delays or any changes as per the customer’s requests. It is imperative that customers know the status of the order, to reassure them their order has been processed and will be delivered.

Then, once the product or service reaches the customer, and the order has been completed, representatives should confirm if the completion of the order was delivered to the customer’s satisfaction. Communication with the customer is important when it comes to any business endeavor, since it is important for both parties to agree on the same thing, for all intents and purposes.

Customer Feedback

Many businesses tend to forget about this valuable factor when handling orders; they are missing out on the chance to discover what their customers think of their services, if there should be improvements made, or to take up suggestions that can make their future transactions run more smoothly, coming from a customer’s perspective.

By taking the time to reach out, businesses can come up with new ways on how to deliver their products or services better. And by valuing the customer’s comments and suggestions, customers will feel more inclined to trust in the business and rely on their products or services.

With the proper and effective order taking and processing system, the company can look forward to productive transactions, stable growth in the market, as well as a growth in loyal clientele. Going back to the basics of providing quality customer service and taking time to understand the clientele, their wants, and their needs will pave the way for an unparalleled customer service that will be sought after and appreciated.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Why Bother With Post-Sales Follow Up?

Four Easy Steps to Calming Angry Clients

Boost Your Business Without Going Bust – 4 Scaling Tips for Startups

Is Customer Satisfaction The Goal, No Questions Asked? Rethinking The “Customer Is Always Right” Policy

Is the customer always right? This is running policy in most businesses, and in many situations, it protects customers from unfair or unsatisfactory service. Customers may be the lifeblood of business, but sticking to this unwritten rule can open a can of worms that affects employee morale. As an entrepreneur, you carefully consider which side you’ll take in disputes, between employees and irate customers; customer satisfaction is a primary goal of business, but it’s far from absolute.
If you’re still on the fence whether you should side with employees in an unfair dispute, here are three good reasons that should help you decide in your people’s favor:

1. Siding with customers (when they’re wrong) puts a dent on your employees’ morale.

You’re actually doing your people a disservice; even if the intent is to appease a disgruntled customer, it shows your distrust in your employees. It’s about weighing the tradeoff of giving customers what they want, against the possibility your people will lose confidence in you after your lapse of judgment. Diplomacy is crucial in conflict resolution, and you can build the concerned employee as you side with the customer in a complaint. Keep in mind that lip service to the customers’ dilemma only benefits your business for the short term.

2. Abrasive customers shouldn’t always have the upper hand.

They say that when you give someone an inch, the same person will demand a mile. Perception is a fickle thing, and the last thing you want to be perceived as is a patsy. You’re probably thinking of companies who buckled under the pressure of (negative) customer feedback, pulling products, doing recalls, offering refunds and rebates to compensate. The point is you need to establish your boundaries and protect it. Your front-line employees bear the brunt of the abuse, and the least you can do is call a bad customer out, on the spot.

3. Side with enough bad customers, and soon your employees will dish out sub-par service.

This could be out of disappointment or disapproval, expressed in ways short of a mutiny. Employees need to know their service and judgment is valued in the company; that’s why yo hired them in the first place. Sure, there are times when an employee is clearly on the wrong side of the dispute, but what about the gray situations and you need to investigate further? Bosses fail when they pick the customer’s side in effort to save face; it’s likely disputes and complaints will only increase, as discontentment spreads among the ranks.
The secret to good customer service is good employee morale; invest in your employees and they will pay it forward with excellent service. Consider your customers and employees as equal partners to your company’s success; ensure both are satisfied and the effort will pay off as you move along.

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The Perks of Staff Leasing QA

Do You Want to Grow Your Clientele? Work on Your Retention Rate

Your Post-Sale Strategy: Gaining Leads From Your Customers

Your Post-Sale Strategy: Gaining Leads From Your Customers

For many businesses, getting a sale is always the great goal, but the work doesn’t necessarily end once the customer signs the contract. Sales experts refer to this stage as the honeymoon phase, an appropriate term of endearment. This is the time when you and your customer have formally entered into a union, but is also the period when the two of you will get to find out interesting things about each another.

This is the perfect chance to further strengthen the relationship, by coming up with an effective after-sales strategy which can be composed of five elements.

1. Thank You card. An email saying “thank you” should be good enough, but sending a card carries a more personal touch. With a card, you can add a few special notes like assuring your new partner that you’re just a call away if he has questions.

2. Call. Some people are not inclined to picking up the phone and making a call. Take the initiative and call customers a week or two after closing sales with them. They may just have a few questions in mind that need clarification. If not, checking up on them to make sure they’re fine is always a good after-sales strategy.

3. Giveaways. When getting in touch with a new client, always ask if it’s okay that to call him regularly. If he agrees, prepare a few free items that he will find interesting, like phones, magazines, and many others.

4. A Second Sale. This need not be done right away, because you will have to work first on gaining the trust of your customer and discovering his other interests. Once you succeed in this, you can begin looking at the prospects of offering a few complimentary products.

5. Referral. With his trust gained and his satisfaction met, asking for a referral from your client should be easy. Actually, this last element will come naturally without you having to do anything. A contented customer will gladly share his experience with friends and family, and do you the favor of a recommendation for your business. This is the best and most important part of your post-sale plan—to go full circle and offer your service again to a new prospective client.

Your sales strategy should be self-contained and sustained, and investing in after-sales skips you the steps of doing the legwork to find new prospects. If you’re interested enough to consider building a team of customer service specialists, you’ll find it more cost-effective with staff leasing service, instead of hiring personnel in-house. You get the convenience of dedicated service without shouldering as much in overhead costs.

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How’s Your Outbound Sales Performance Doing?

Boost Sales through Product/Service Promotion

Three Things Successful Entrepreneurs Never Do

Do You Want to Grow Your Clientele? Work on Your Retention Rate

The primary objective of a business is to attract customers, with goal of covincing them to buy products or services. However, many entrepreneurs are unaware the true success of a company is measured through its ability to retain its clientele – something as important as gaining new customers. Business owners should understand the fact that maintaining existing customers contributes more to the success of the company; acquiring new clients cost more than keeping existing ones. Unlike a business that has a large base of clientele, companies with low customer retention rate tend to struggle in developing and growing their markets.

Research has proven the significance of customer retention in the success of a business, and these studies have determined the cause-and-effect factors involving the tendencies of a company to lose or retain existing customers. While some of the data in these research may slightly differ from each other, the prevailing results show that the customer retention rate of a certain business depends wholly on the way business owners handle their services/products and their customers.

To give you some insights on how to properly manage your business, here are some academically approved tips on how to boost up your company’s customer retention rate.

Clear Communication, Effective Brand Positioning

Building a strong relationship with your clients doesn’t happen overnight – it takes the same effort as building personal relationships. It also requires acute strategies to make it happen. Creating a real and friendly connection is a great way to start if you’re aiming for loyal customers. Research says that clients most often stay in a certain brand if the company share the same goals and values. If you want people to truly understand your brand, you have to establish a clear message that will convey your purpose.
Another way to get consumers to trust your business is by having a positive social proof. According to studies, good social proofs such as testimonials are the most effective way of getting people to know your business. Use different platforms of communication to connect with your clients. Social media is today’s most convenient mode of contact, utilize it to constantly inform people about your business.

Customer Identification and Education

Studies show that the only way to truly get to your target market is to know their needs and to understand the way they think. Start by identifying your customers –their goals, aspirations, likes, and dislikes. Once you’ve established a clear perception of these, it is easier to formulate a marketing tactic that will attract their curiosity and attention. The important thing to remember here is that people should be able to relate to your message, so they’re encouraged to continue patronage of your business. Know the things that your customers love to hear, and use these to your advantage when presenting your products or services. This way, they will be willing to purchase in a constant manner.

Consumers appreciate it when you communicate with them directly, for it makes them feel important. Talking to them and informing them of your latest features and offers also add up to the good image of your business. As proven by research, customers love being informed about new products that would benefit and suit their needs and preferences. Providing helpful tips is also a great way to keep existing clients to visit and avail of your services.

Exceptional Customer Service

One of most effective ways to keep loyal customers is by providing exceptional customer service. Clients tend to continue patronage on businesses that cater good service and product quality. Being polite and responsible are some of the characteristics that people often look for in a service staff. If they feel they’re being attended to accordingly and willingly, there’s increased the chance that they’ll keep coming back. As much as possible, avoid incidents that would make your clients dissatisfied; solve problems as soon as possible, always make it a point to apologize for any inconvenience, make it up to the customer if you have to.

Customers are the most important element in a business. The growth of a company depends wholly on them, thus, it is crucial that business owners meet their standards and satisfaction. Being able to retain clients is a sign of success in the company’s part, and gaining a high customer retention rate lies upon the hands of the business owners -how they manage their services, how they treat their customers, and most importantly, how they maintain a good image.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Maximizing Customer Retention: Handling Complaints

Why Bother With Post-Sales Follow Up?

You Need These Five People to Succeed in Business

How’s Your Outbound Sales Performance Doing?

One way businesses generate (revenue) leads and sales is through outbound marketing: sales representatives reach out to existing and prospective customers, promoting products and services. However, this marketing tactic is often overshadowed by inbound marketing, what most companies don’t realize is that outbound marketing is just as important as any other marketing strategies.

While it has its own flaws and disadvantages, outbound marketing can potentially increase not only leads and sales, but the number of loyal customers as well. In today’s industries, consumers not only look for quality product and services; customer service and support are just as important.

Consumers are more inclined to patronize a brand if it delivers well in customer service; they will trust your company if you show a sense of responsibility and empathy. To earn and build loyalty, you have to be sincere in your efforts, and communicating you want the best for them is priority.

This is accomplished in outbound marketing, where sales representatives engage and develop trust with clients. Since their job is to persuade consumers to buy products, outbound sales agents can make use of personal strategies in establishing rapport with customers. This method can be effective if the goal is to generate sales. But how can you be sure if your outbound marketing team is doing their job right?

How is your company’s outbound sales performance doing?

As experts put it, business is not just about product/service quality, there’s also emphasis on customer relationship. Corporations have to realize the way customers think, something which changed over the years. It is still essential to secure a special connection with them. The ultimate goal for every company is to build and maintain a good and trustworthy image. This involves providing high-quality products, and effective customer service and support. This principle is applied in outbound marketing. Anticipating the challenges involved, here are two simple tricks you can implement:

1. Identifying, understanding your prospects

Outbound sales representatives need to know, having basic information about clients won’t do them any good. If they want to really see some progress, sales agents have to understand the way customers think. They should be able to relate to the clients’ situation – how it is in their customers’ shoes, how would they respond to the call or offer? Would they consider buying if the conversation is lighthearted? Does straight-forward work to them best? Agents should be able to contemplate these things before planning their marketing approach.

2. Build lasting relationships

Once the agents establish a connection with prospects, the next important thing to do is to nurture that relationship. Customers who feel a certain bond with a company are most likely to continue patronage with them. One way to do this is with consistent follow-ups, updating on new products or promos that could stir interest. It’s these little things like these send customers the impression that your company has a focused and dedicated customer support system.

While some customers may be a little hard to persuade, following these steps can change the course of your outbound sales. The key here is that your company must convey your message (that your customers are important) clear and loud. As a business owner, the first step you need to do is to find people who can successfully do the job. Look for employees who are effective communicators, good decision makers, great listeners, and most importantly, those who have dedication. Do this and your outbound marketing team should be fine.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Why Bother With Post-Sales Follow Up?

Maximizing Customer Retention: Handling Complaints

Five Tips for Providing the Best Customer Service Experience

Maximizing Customer Retention: Handling Complaints

Businesses have goals to achieve, principles to observe, sales strategies to follow. Regardless of the nature of your business, it’s execution and strategies, there’s only one end point you’ll answer to –the receiver of the service –the customers. It is every company’s priority to deliver in accordance with the needs of consumers, always taking into consideration the importance of customer satisfaction in securing clientele.

However, it is no secret that dealing with different types of customers can sometimes (or always) be tricky; many consider BPO outsourcing the feasible solution, hiring personal trained for the task. No matter how careful and strict a company may be in running their business, complaints are unavoidable. The smallest or the most prominent business names aren’t spared from backlash. The complaint can be serious or trivial, but in order to keep a good relationship with clients, companies must deal with these problems as best as they can.

Handling complaints can be trying and time-consuming, and it’s also crucial for business owners to take immediate action in solving the problem – customers must be satisfied, and the company in good standing. While there’s no official manual on dealing with unhappy clients, following these steps may efficiently resolve the issue.

Identify What the Complaint Is All about

Knowing the nature of the complaint gives you insight on what went wrong with the service/s provided. Ask questions that would help you better understand the situation; you’ll know how to proceed in resolving the problem. It’s important you avoid arguments; be professional and polite in effort to work out amenable solution. Assure complainants they’ll receive proper compensation for the problem – sincerity always calms angry customers.

Propose Win-Win, Reasonable Solutions

After you hear out the customer’s side on the complaint, the appropriate action would be to offer a rational solution appealing to the client. Inquire about preferred resolution to the issue, evaluate and implement. Immediate resolution reflects a good image on the company, hopefully leaving no trace of the unfortunate incident. Ultimately, you should win back the trust and loyalty of your clients.

Complaints are smears on your company’s reputation, there is no getting away from it – entrepreneurs are fully aware of the consequences. Resolve issues for two reasons – to keep customers from switching to another brand, and to maintain good reputation. Complaints are often directed to customer service/support, so it it essential your support staff is qualified and trained for the task; this requires patience and empathy.

Clients want to feel that their concerns are valued, so it is wise to hire support who are rational and decisive. Customer support is one of the most important factors in a business, they’re front-liners to complaint management. Investing on a capable team through BPO outsourcing pays off, with a solid and growing customer base.

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Why Bother With Post-Sales Follow Up?

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