Offshore Sourcing In Social Media Management; Building Street Cred For Your Business

Offshore Sourcing In Social Media Management; Building Street Cred For Your Business

Social media management is now a staple service in offshore sourcing. Networking tools are now available to anyone, across different lifestyles and tastes. Age demographics, preference in music, and more are considered in sharing and optimizing content. Discovering things and meeting people with same interests are examples of what you can do with media; of course there’s also the opportunity to expand your business reach.

From a business perspective, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin are useful to anyone with a marketing strategy to execute. Targeting your market will be easy and convenient because of the features these platforms offer. In some platforms, you can segregate the target market into demographics, by using hashtags, or by analyzing what videos are trending, even by researching trends in search behavior. Marketers love to use hashtgas, since these offer insight on what the market wants for the product/service.

Facebook and Twitter are always top platforms used by offshore sourcing in social media strategy. Have you considered including these platforms in your social media campaign?

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is a great source of high-quality photos, and every user is part of a connected community. This is a visual platform, where relevant and attractive pictures gain more reach; there’s even good chance for content to go viral. Having a profile with many followers is great because of the influence that comes with it. By default, a pinned picture is visible to followers; gain enough pins and engagement, and the photo can become viral. A photo of a product gone viral is a boost to the company brand, attracting traffic and unique engagements.

2. Youtube

YouTube is the definitive video platform for marketers; it’s very accessible, and a relevant post can rake in millions of views. It ranks content with algorithm similar to Google’s, so if there’s one thing viral videos have in common, it’s community appeal. Searching through YouTube is like searching in Google; keywords and keyphrases are seeds in search. With this platform, your product placement (especially if advertised) can do more than demonstrate: it can engage and convert.

3. Instagram

Instagram is yet another visual platform, with very digestible content and appeal. Users navigate content with hashtags. The tags you use can make or break a marketing campaign. For example, using #marketing, the search will show all user photos with that same hashtag. Connect with people through hashtags, connect with the community, coordinate events, push promotions; the simple hashtag is an efficient marketing strategy.

With the variety of social media platforms to choose from, you’ll have to prioritize which to use in optimizing content. Offshore sourcing services ease the process, but it is still your decision that defines what’s best for the company, what’s best for your business.

Broaden Your Business Reach: Leased Employees In Social Media Management

Broaden Your Business Reach: Leased Employees In Social Media Management

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube—these are but some social media platforms leased employees contribute to business development. You can’t just pick and focus on one platform, either: these days, thriving businesses know how to wield all platforms by default. However, making the most of one platform can be a handful. When your business has multiple accounts to manage, time constraints force you to overlook one platform to focus on another.

This is where leased employees step in. Many businesses are subcontracting third-party companies to manage their social media accounts. Specially trained social media experts are tasked to regularly post relevant content, upload media, and maintain the many “faces” of the business, keeping updated and building personality. Outsourcing social media management is a feasible solution, and it’s ripe with rewards.


In partnership with leased employees, your business will is always assured qualified professionals are on top of the accounts. In the case of social media management, they will have put in line individuals with degrees and experiences in public relations. The business gets to work with people who studied and know the landscape very well. This is important, particularly in social media’s fickle platforms. One wrong post from a non-expert business staff member can potentially ruin the entire experience for the social media followers. With professional social media managers, this never happens.

Specialization of Leased Employees

When a business dives into social media, it usually hires an individual, if not a small team, to handle all its accounts. The problem is that no one person can be an expert in all the platforms. Not all the tricks in Facebook applies on YouTube. With outsourcing, however, the business has the chance to work with one expert per account. There are packages available for that, and each part of those will be bringing their A-game to it. The result is a collection of social media platforms that is simultaneously up to date, individually creative, and consistently compelling.

Dedication and Professionalism

Truth be told, social media isn’t always a rose garden. Lurking in a corner somewhere is a troll or a bully who will jump at any opportunity to discredit and embarrass the business. A staff member who is not trained for the part may struggle to deal with this and will end firing back with volatility. A professional from an outsourcing company, though, is prepared for it. There’s always a way to work around the problem and save face, be it through firm denial or a humble apology. You’re also assured every post is made with unbiased professionalism.

There are more benefits to outsourcing social media managers, and they all say the same thing, that the leased employees are fit for the job, consistently delivering relevant, engaging posts.

Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube accounts should have separate, dedicated social media managers. Outsourcing social media management spares you the failures of trial and error, and businesses who have turned to it benefit from stronger community presence, and a stronger brand.

Aiming For Stronger Brand Identity? Hire A BPO Business Consultant For Media Monitoring

Aiming For Stronger Brand Identity? Hire A BPO Business Consultant For Media Monitoring

Are you looking for ways to boost your brand identity? A BPO business consultant can help you create a strong, unified brand. Your brand is primary representation of your company’s core values and services. Communicate this to your market, first by learning specific features you need to work on for better industry presence. Initially, you have to set up a customer-oriented brand, to reach a wider range of potential clients.

Why is branding important?

Brand is a distinct association for your business. More than a simple name or image, it leaves an impression that resonates with your audience. With a unified brand, you’ll target the correct communities, improving results and prospects for success. As people gradually learn about your company, branding becomes ever important.

How does a BPO business consultant help in media monitoring?

The competition within the industry grows gradually; a strong foundation and brand identity set you apart from other businesses. With media monitoring or media listening, you’ll build a strong brand identity that reaches a lot of people.

In order to fulfill this kind of service, the media monitoring process includes search profiles, also search terms or keywords. Here are three steps to help you build an effective brand strategy:

1. Monitor what your competitors are up to.

The nature of media monitoring lets you explore the competition, based on certain filters applied to your searches. This is even an excellent chance for checking out your competitors, find ways to engage alongside the bigger companies in the industry (most of these probably hire BPO business consultants for the legwork). However, you need to look at what they are doing so you are ready to adopt new approaches.

2. Filter particular searches. Check the trends.

There are tons of information available, from multiple media outlets. To make the most of your monitoring, filter your search with profiles and search terms (keywords and keyword phrases). Understand the effective ways of relaying valuable messages that can reach thousands of people. Then, learn about trends that keep your customers engaged in various activities, programs, and products. You want to address certain needs, meet expectations that give your brand better recall in people’s memories.

3. Listen to the customer’s concerns.

Maybe more than the expanding your customer base, what the latter thinks about you and your business is crucial. Get to know your customers’ interests. As you monitor your brand’s presence on local and international platforms, focus on brand mentions and audience perception through the use of social media, radio, TV, and even print media. You can also improve on the process by hiring hiring BPO business who can lease you the staff, you can view possible changes and potential marketing strategies for stronger brand identity.

Leased Employees In Media Monitoring And Targeting - Hiring Considerations

Leased Employees In Media Monitoring And Targeting – Hiring Considerations

Have you considered leased employees in managing how your brand is perceived on multimedia? This may not be priority at the moment, but is crucial as you gain reach online. Note that even the biggest brands stumble because of negative PR, responding with product recalls, and recompensations.

When you search for the right media monitoring service, it’s important you’re familiar with the key elements of the service, choose one that best suits your needs. Outsourcing has its advantages regardless of the scale of your business. Skilled, leased employees guarantee monitoring and documentation are on point.

1. Confirm the scope of the monitoring service.

There are different media outlets that you may include in the monitoring service: print, broadcast, and social media. Check if the platform used allows you to create, customize, and even collaborate in reporting. For optimal results, make sure the tool relies on a single service rather than from multiple monitoring vendors.

2. Check the monitor’s reputation, also the leased employees qualifications (if possible).

Work closely with professionals who provide customizable views, email alerts, and daily reports for your business. In this condition, gleaning data from conversations, trends, and results is going to be a lot easier. If you find the monitor functions effective, validate the current output results of the team so you’re aware of developing trends for your company.

3. Update media and influencer lists.

Regulate the tool that updates your company’s current list of media and influencers. You’ll maximize the leased employees productivity along the way. Once you decide to target a specific consumer group, an intricate understanding of the people’s life and possible reactions are considered. Also, monitoring updates or interactions with your brand as well as the industry are crucial in putting your company on the radar of major consumers.

Remember, the right tools and team of professionals help you build your company’s presence in various media outlets. As you consider these three important elements for media monitoring services, you can save both on cost and time that benefit your company’s overall performance. This is also a great opportunity to connect with specialists who provide good media research services and leased employees.

Hiring a BPO Process Provider, and Four Trends Your Business Can't Do Without In 2017

Four Trends Your Business Can’t Do Without In 2017

The business landscape is always changing, and the companies who thrive are often the ones who are able to adapt. Many business models follow tread the trail of the risky start-ups, aggressive in marketing and spending; this is only doable if yours has enough financial backing to cushion the setbacks. The BPO process provider is also a big player in cost-efficiency; a lot of companies are turning to third parties to fill their human resources needs.

It’s no surprise this year’s trends in business are familiar; you’ve probably integrated this into your model. In case you’re relatively new in the industry, here are four of the most pressing trends your business shouldn’t do without:

Big Data

Information technology is the catch phrase of modern industry. Now more than ever, businesses put a premium on data collection, processing, analysis, implementation. This is priority regardless of the industry you’re in; you need data to execute effective campaigns, market research before a product launch, background checks before building teams. You have everything to gain from well-informed decisions, but the extent of your need depends on the scope of your business.

Diversity in Approach

Competition is peaked, and companies who see opportunity in unlikely places have the advantage. Think of Uber and Amazon’s business models. You can consider these companies pioneers in their industries, and now they’re the standards of the conventional. If you’ve yet to launch your business, consider your approach in marketing, production, distribution. Do you have something new (even revolutionary) to offer? Is there a need competitors fail to recognize. Sometimes a shift in business philosophy makes a difference: hiring a BPO process provider can cut your costs, ensure efficient results in places well beyond your reach.

Social Media

Maximize your mileage on the market through social media. Consider what you’ll miss out on if you don’t take advantage of the platforms: your competitors gain exposure from a massive, organic audience. Think of all the leads you’re passing up on. It’s also not enough to create accounts on all the staple platforms; optimize your feeds and following if you want to r. Engagement is key to successful social media campaign. It also helps to build your network exponentially.


Development in AI is an unlikely trend, one that’s often associated with electronics and technology. Artificial intelligence, however, overreaches various aspects of business, including operations, production, marketing, and research. AI enhances business decisions, detects flaws and opportunities, and allows strategies to be implemented to achieve optimal results. Research in AI is fast-paced and ever-progressive. Invest in the newest applications in AI if you want reap its benefits.

These trends were either non-existent or obscure in previous decades. These are also proof on how big businesses are able to adapt over time. Follow their lead and keep your business playbook updated.

3 Things You Need To Know About The Millennials Market

Can you still remember music before the mp3 format? How about life before Facebook? What seems like the distant past actually happened a few decades ago; Millennials were the first generation to enjoy the perks of future tech. Now there’s something new released every month, rolling over the horizon with the craziest features and innovations. New technologies hardly surprise anymore. What will they think of next?

It’s a mistake to ignore the market of Millennials, and it can be fatal to corporations and small businesses alike. The market is insatiable, and this is a good thing because there’s always potential for growth. The challenge is in learning to adapt to an ever-adapting generation. If your business is leveraging staff leasing service to streamline operations, it’s likely the team you hire is mostly made up of Millennials. If you’re into consumer tech and applications, Millennials will surely carve a significant piece of your market.

How do you prime your business so it appeals to Millennials? Thankfully, Generation Y has three reliable characteristics you can leverage:

1. Millennials Love Anything Tech

This is an understatement, but must be mentioned. The generation grew up with technology that instantly gratifies needs and wants. You can purchase products without leaving your home, and you can watch anything in high-resolution on a five-inch screen. Recent surveys confirm that Millennials adore technology, they’ll flock towards anything that has barely any semblance of a cult following.

Engage your market where they gather. Millennials prefer mobile devices over desktop and laptop computers, so your brand should be visible, accessible on small screens. Anticipate new technologies like Google Glass and Oculus, and consider how you can leverage innovations to spread word about your brand.

2. Millennials Love to Socialize Online

Facebook should merely scratch the surface of your social media strategy. If you really want to earn street credibility at social media, scrape as much good reputation as you can on all platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat; there’s plenty more platforms to mention. You can’t underestimate the influence of a timely Twitter hashtag, or a Facebook post that for some fluke of reason goes viral.

The point is to approach your social media strategy the same way Millennials do: try everything until you find something that works. However, you need choose platforms that complements your campaign. What works on Instagram may not work on Pinterest, and hashtags don’t have as much impact on Facebook as they do on Twitter.

3. Millennials Love to Keep It Real

Case in point: Dove’s Real Beauty campaign appeals to women of all ages, but especially to Millennials feeling the pressure of unrealistic expectations. Dove utilized every media platform to push a relevant advocacy, which is also directly tied to a solid brand. Dove has become the brand synonymous to real beauty. You only need one great idea to start a great campaign.

Tug at your market’s heartstrings or pick its brain, whatever appeals to authenticity, social responsibility, or identity will catch on. You’ll know you’re onto something good when your campaign is growing on the social media channels.

Consider current and upcoming generations in your business strategy. Chances are most of the people on your team belong to the Y and Z generations, strong indicators the next generations should be priorities in your business development.

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Content Management Systems for New Businesses

Do You Want to Grow Your Clientele? Work on Your Retention Rate

The primary objective of a business is to attract customers, with goal of covincing them to buy products or services. However, many entrepreneurs are unaware the true success of a company is measured through its ability to retain its clientele – something as important as gaining new customers. Business owners should understand the fact that maintaining existing customers contributes more to the success of the company; acquiring new clients cost more than keeping existing ones. Unlike a business that has a large base of clientele, companies with low customer retention rate tend to struggle in developing and growing their markets.

Research has proven the significance of customer retention in the success of a business, and these studies have determined the cause-and-effect factors involving the tendencies of a company to lose or retain existing customers. While some of the data in these research may slightly differ from each other, the prevailing results show that the customer retention rate of a certain business depends wholly on the way business owners handle their services/products and their customers.

To give you some insights on how to properly manage your business, here are some academically approved tips on how to boost up your company’s customer retention rate.

Clear Communication, Effective Brand Positioning

Building a strong relationship with your clients doesn’t happen overnight – it takes the same effort as building personal relationships. It also requires acute strategies to make it happen. Creating a real and friendly connection is a great way to start if you’re aiming for loyal customers. Research says that clients most often stay in a certain brand if the company share the same goals and values. If you want people to truly understand your brand, you have to establish a clear message that will convey your purpose.
Another way to get consumers to trust your business is by having a positive social proof. According to studies, good social proofs such as testimonials are the most effective way of getting people to know your business. Use different platforms of communication to connect with your clients. Social media is today’s most convenient mode of contact, utilize it to constantly inform people about your business.

Customer Identification and Education

Studies show that the only way to truly get to your target market is to know their needs and to understand the way they think. Start by identifying your customers –their goals, aspirations, likes, and dislikes. Once you’ve established a clear perception of these, it is easier to formulate a marketing tactic that will attract their curiosity and attention. The important thing to remember here is that people should be able to relate to your message, so they’re encouraged to continue patronage of your business. Know the things that your customers love to hear, and use these to your advantage when presenting your products or services. This way, they will be willing to purchase in a constant manner.

Consumers appreciate it when you communicate with them directly, for it makes them feel important. Talking to them and informing them of your latest features and offers also add up to the good image of your business. As proven by research, customers love being informed about new products that would benefit and suit their needs and preferences. Providing helpful tips is also a great way to keep existing clients to visit and avail of your services.

Exceptional Customer Service

One of most effective ways to keep loyal customers is by providing exceptional customer service. Clients tend to continue patronage on businesses that cater good service and product quality. Being polite and responsible are some of the characteristics that people often look for in a service staff. If they feel they’re being attended to accordingly and willingly, there’s increased the chance that they’ll keep coming back. As much as possible, avoid incidents that would make your clients dissatisfied; solve problems as soon as possible, always make it a point to apologize for any inconvenience, make it up to the customer if you have to.

Customers are the most important element in a business. The growth of a company depends wholly on them, thus, it is crucial that business owners meet their standards and satisfaction. Being able to retain clients is a sign of success in the company’s part, and gaining a high customer retention rate lies upon the hands of the business owners -how they manage their services, how they treat their customers, and most importantly, how they maintain a good image.

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Monitoring Social Media: Where’s Your Focus?

Establishing presence on social media is important, but monitoring your brand is crucial. Social media is not only used for customer service, it’s also a good way to see how your brand is performing; are you making the right impression? Social media is a platform where you can fish for opportunities for success.

The power of social media is great; you have everything to gain by leveraging it. There’s a lot of noise in this platform, and it takes effort to isolate and listen to what’s important. Many companies consider staff leasing service just to filter all the information. The goal of social media monitoring is to collect relevant data, also analyze how such data can be used to the brand’s or company’s advantage.

Here are two things to monitor online, especially on social media:

1. Monitor your Brand or Company

The first thing to monitor is your brand or your company. This is the easiest to verify, because a lot of information will be revealed with a simple keyword search. Consider user questions about your company, viral content about your brand, reviews of your products or services, or maybe even a community of your avid followers. All these information from common people will not only give you an idea of how popular your brand or company is, it also gives you the chance to connect with them. After all, the best customer service is when customers can feel your solid presence.

2. Monitor the Industry

After “stalking” your brand or company online, it’s now time to widen your perspective—monitor the industry. By doing so, you’re not just checking out the position of your company or brand in the market, you’re also keeping your eyes open for the competition. After all, the customers are not the only ones talking about your products or services, the other companies are also checking you out.

Monitor their activity and content, see if there are things that you can learn from them. Maybe you can learn from their weak strategies to improve yours? How about unsuccessful campaigns that you can use as case studies? Just gather relevant industry information and use them as recipes for success. Keep your customers close and your competition closer. If you find the task overwhelming, hire staff leasing service.

Beyond the noise in social media, there are important information in the form of complaints, positive reviews, questions, and feedbacks that you can use to improve your brand or company. By monitoring only the relevant things, you’re making the social media a place where opportunities abound.

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Business 101: How to Widen Customer Network Using Social Media

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Boost Sales through Product/Service Promotion

Promotion is a crucial aspect of business, especially for small and newbie companies. Compared to giant corporations, small-scale businesses struggle more when it comes to promoting their brand. Competition is tight, and the way consumers think about purchasing products has changed – they’re more cautious and meticulous in terms of deciding which product/service is worth it and which is not.

While it is true business works in cutthroat ways, small and new businesses, however, still get the chance to attract customers and gain profit through marketing. Product and service promotion is one of the most effective ways to raise awareness and popularity of a business, which eventually results to the increase in actual sales.

Your Business, Your Brand

This process, however, is just as hard as putting up a business in the first place. Business owners can engage in various marketing campaigns, but this does not always guarantee success. What many don’t realize is that there’s more to an effective promotion than just spreading words about a company’s brand. If you want for your business to be really successful, you don’t just have to put your name in the spotlight, you have got to make it stick.

Promotion through Word-of-Mouth, on Social Media

Just like in communication, there are so many ways you can promote your business, and with unlimited access to technology, promoting your product is just as easy as clicking a button. Using social media to promote your business is probably the easiest and the cheapest way to attract people’s attention. Since everyone browses the world wide web everyday, creating accounts and pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many other types of social sites would definitely reach a big portion of your target market.

Conventional Media

Advertising has grown into a giant industry, and it’s crucial in the business world. Considered as the most dominant mode of marketing, advertisements will be helpful in raising your company’s popularity, for it uses different forms of media (print and electronic). Advertisements allow your campaign to reach the specific audience, your target market. Television commercials, newspaper ads, and radio promotions can reach a wide range of audiences, in different age brackets. Utilizing these media can very much generate publicity in no time.

Outreach and Engagement Campaigns

Other types of marketing strategies such as telemarketing/telesales, networking, charity events, gift promos, and community programs are constantly being used by various companies. Tactics like run-for-a-cause marathons and social-welfare-themed programs can help build up a good image for your business. Because people love engaging in these events, companies often get the highest attention from existing and new customers, resulting to an increased sales and brand popularity.

All these strategies are proven to generate success when done correctly. It’s not enough that you just execute the campaigns; in order to truly reach your target consumers, you must be able to establish a clear connection with them. Conducting surveys through phone calls, social media, or emails will help you better understand your consumers. This strategy allows you to gather information that would be useful both for marketing purposes and in developing new features or services that would suit the needs of the customers.

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Developing Your Business: Conducting Market Research in the Virtual World

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Developing Your Business: Conducting Market Research in the Virtual World

Market research is a default tool used by entrepreneurs in gathering information: current market trends, purchasing history of consumers, public and private records, and more. The data is used by corporations to stay updated in the current business wave. It also enables them to assess whether their products/services still appeal to their target market, or if they need to establish a new marketing strategy for their brand. While this approach sounds like a lot of work, companies have found a faster and more accurate method to generate feedback and results, thanks to developments in technology.

Since the advent of the internet, communication is as second nature as blinking. And with all the social networking sites surfacing and dominating online, researches and surveys can now be done with just a few clicks. The internet is this generation’s best technology, and everyone (especially entrepreneurs) are happy about it. Businesses experience convenience not only in connecting with their clients, but also in promoting brands. And with the increasing popularity of social media among millennials, it has become easier for business owners to collect data and feedback from their markets.

To further enhance your company’s market research strategy, here are some useful tips on how to generate consumer information using the internet.

Social Media

It is no secret almost everyone have various social media accounts. It is the current trend, and every human being with a smart phone and internet connection (which are both globally accessible) is hooked to it. As a corporation aiming to position your brand in the public market’s interest, utilizing social media for your company’s benefit is a smart move. Conducting polls and surveys in different platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other sites can save you both money and time, as it’s free to create social media accounts and feedback generation is done in real time.

Emails & E-newsletters

Another market research method that can be done through internet is sending newsletters and surveys via email -a good way to gather information and opinions from existing customers. Engaging in an email-based interaction with clients also helps establish a personal connection; this is to your advantage, because having a healthy customer relationship increases the rate of customer retention and potentially advances sales generation.

Online Posts & Articles

Reading market-related articles posted online is also helpful in analyzing gathered data. Collecting insights from published studies can give you a head-start in concluding what would be the best step for your company. Articles written by private and government agencies are usually the most reliable sources, citing statistics essential for your own research. Also, studying what potential consumers write or comment about certain products/services gives you insight on your next product release or marketing campaign.

While almost everything can be easily found in the internet, you still have to verify information before you utilize it. Sites delivering false information has bombarded the virtual world, so it is imperative to be careful and wise in selecting what is genuine and what is not. Always refer to data you can trace to legit sources, like official sites and pages.

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