Shared Services Model – It Could Be Your Best Business Solution Yet
In unity there is strength, as best described in the shared services model; it’s a business strategy where some resources of an organization are combined to cut costs and remove redundant operations. Processes are standardized and resources are optimized, effectively combining the best practices of different teams and strengthening the organization in the long run.
With resources focused on just a single unit, operational costs would greatly decrease. In a normal setup, each department has its own intangible and tangible assets, even repetitive operations, while the shared services model pool valuable resources together to remove menial tasks. Consequently, downtime is lessened and operational costs are reduced.
Efficient and Professional
Reduced downtime enables workers to focus on their tasks. With dedication to only accomplish valuable services, the workers’ training and skills are improved. This promotes the professionalization of their work, making them able to deliver efficient service.
Improved and Standardized Service
A task-driven team is also customer-focused. Once cultivated into a work culture, clients and the business receive services from just a single structure and from a standardized process. There would be no complicated administrative procedures to take, just a streamlined mechanism to quickly and wisely extend services.
Flexible and Focused
There’s the misconception the shared services model is complicated, considering various tasks are juggled by just a single unit. The uncertainty that comes with this is normal, as a shift in business model is coupled with inevitable changes. However, this is resolved as soon as the shared service center is in operation, once the staff knows how to prioritize between processes. Thus, they can control the work flow by managing tasks, as well as strategize procedures based on the business’ and the customers’ needs. With such flexibility, the focus and quality of service is improved.
Indeed, the shared services model is not just a practical means to do business. It is a wise move to improve the overall operations of an organization, all while maintaining a professional workforce and providing optimum service.