Offshore Sourcing In Social Media Management; Building Street Cred For Your Business

Offshore Sourcing In Social Media Management; Building Street Cred For Your Business

Social media management is now a staple service in offshore sourcing. Networking tools are now available to anyone, across different lifestyles and tastes. Age demographics, preference in music, and more are considered in sharing and optimizing content. Discovering things and meeting people with same interests are examples of what you can do with media; of course there’s also the opportunity to expand your business reach.

From a business perspective, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin are useful to anyone with a marketing strategy to execute. Targeting your market will be easy and convenient because of the features these platforms offer. In some platforms, you can segregate the target market into demographics, by using hashtags, or by analyzing what videos are trending, even by researching trends in search behavior. Marketers love to use hashtgas, since these offer insight on what the market wants for the product/service.

Facebook and Twitter are always top platforms used by offshore sourcing in social media strategy. Have you considered including these platforms in your social media campaign?

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is a great source of high-quality photos, and every user is part of a connected community. This is a visual platform, where relevant and attractive pictures gain more reach; there’s even good chance for content to go viral. Having a profile with many followers is great because of the influence that comes with it. By default, a pinned picture is visible to followers; gain enough pins and engagement, and the photo can become viral. A photo of a product gone viral is a boost to the company brand, attracting traffic and unique engagements.

2. Youtube

YouTube is the definitive video platform for marketers; it’s very accessible, and a relevant post can rake in millions of views. It ranks content with algorithm similar to Google’s, so if there’s one thing viral videos have in common, it’s community appeal. Searching through YouTube is like searching in Google; keywords and keyphrases are seeds in search. With this platform, your product placement (especially if advertised) can do more than demonstrate: it can engage and convert.

3. Instagram

Instagram is yet another visual platform, with very digestible content and appeal. Users navigate content with hashtags. The tags you use can make or break a marketing campaign. For example, using #marketing, the search will show all user photos with that same hashtag. Connect with people through hashtags, connect with the community, coordinate events, push promotions; the simple hashtag is an efficient marketing strategy.

With the variety of social media platforms to choose from, you’ll have to prioritize which to use in optimizing content. Offshore sourcing services ease the process, but it is still your decision that defines what’s best for the company, what’s best for your business.

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