
Increase Response With Better Follow Up Methods, Hire Companies That Outsource Support

Increase Response With Better Follow Up Methods, Hire Companies That Outsource Support

Cold calls or follow-up, which is more difficult? Companies that outsource support are familiar with the difficulty of establishing a good connection with prospects. However, in practice, trying to get establish an effective follow-up campaign can even be more challenging.

If you’re operating a call center, you’ve likely experienced the frustration. It’s easier if you’re aware of different practices that improve follow-up campaigns:

1. Don’t be annoying, be engaging.

Add value to your calls with prospects. Right from the initial call, agents should inquire clients ways to stay in touch. Clients know the most effective ways they can be reached for follow-up. Have a strategy to implement throughout the conversation. Engage upon contact, offer specific information that might interest each type of customer. For better results, pay closer attention to common customer concerns, preferences.

After finding out essential information and building rapport, ask prospects about their preferred form of communication. In this step, you are also securing their commitment, as well as any possible level of responsiveness to the interaction.

2. Get commitment for a follow-up.

Representatives make the biggest mistake of not properly establishing a specific date and time for the follow-up at the end of the first call. Hire companies that outsource support so you’re able to hurdle these pitfalls. You may even have encountered such scenario and simply agreed to a prospect’s “Call me next week” responses, or you may have even delivered a resounding “Alright. I’ll send you the proposal and follow up in a couple of days.”

This is crucial in establishing trust and catching the prospect’s attention. Understand the necessity of asking for a follow-up date and time. Vague answers and schedules are not going to help you in keeping in touch with any possible client. The process is similar to setting and receiving deadlines at work. It’s a powerful tactic so learn to use it properly. You don’t want to have a lot of missed calls or a longer sales cycle.

3. Send a reminder, set an agenda.

After you have successfully set a desirable date and time for the follow-up call, email your prospects a day before the appointment. Remember to carefully place the reminder on the subject line to catch the attention of the client. Try using this example: “Phone appointment for September 12th and article of interest.” Then, the content of the email must confirm the date and time of your appointment as well as the agenda for the call. Also, don’t forget to reduce the pressure of such follow-up, by opening a possible consideration for the prospect to discuss any concerns regarding the steps to take after the call.

4. Spare customers the template introductions.

Avoid starting the conversation with the common telesales agent opening statements such as “I was calling to follow-up on the proposal.” Also “I’m calling to see if you had any questions, and the reason for the follow-up was to see if you had come to a decision.” These are not poor statements, however, they are all obviously routine phrases that you simply had to use. Picking one of these will not establish your difference with other center representatives. Try working on a more intimate approach, one that builds better connection with the prospect.

5. Be polite, be persistent, and be professional.

There may not be a single formula for success, but with these final tips your agents may improve on closing sales. In every statement you give, remember how you would wish to be treated as a client but don’t go over the top even if you only have to leave a voice mail. Then, if you are not successful with the first call because the client’s not there, call in the next 10 minutes. In this manner, you are being persistent without being intrusive.

Should you have further trouble in reaching the prospects, consider hiring companies that outsource customer support. Otherwise, a good rule is to wait half a day. If you have been calling, leave a final voice mail, leave impression you’re available for the client by giving your number. Finally, be professional; if you still pursue the lead, space your follow-ups three business days apart.

Consider Companies That Outsource Support

This is actually your first and best solution. BPO companies can handle the brunt of the work with team and facilities dedicated for the task.

These are only some of the essential steps that can help you in improving your chances of getting replies from follow-up calls. Remember you have to understand the customer’s type and needs first to fully balance the specific actions to take. Learning these additional strategies gives you an edge over the competition.

Tell-Tale Signs You Need To Outsource Customer Service, ASAP

Tell-Tale Signs You Need To Outsource Customer Service, ASAP

Time is seldom an ally to small business; it’s often the exact opposite! There are always deadlines and deliverables to meet. Effective time management is crucial, whether you’re part of a start-up or multinational company. If you’ve yet to outsource customer service as means to streamline your business, then it’s likely you’re missing out.

Your business has the advantage by outsourcing tasks, whether menial or essential. There’s only so much time to spare in a day. Are you willing to spend it on things you can just as effectively delegate? If you want added incentive to outsource customer service, then you’re probably aware the largest corporations already implement this as a matter of practice.

Feasibility remains a significant factor, though. How do you know if you’re in dire need of outsourcing? Here are four tell-tale signs it’s time to delegate to a dedicated, outsourced staff:

1. You want results. Right now, if possible.

Developing staff in-house has its rewards, but the process takes time to percolate. New hires need time to manage the learning curve, and this may take a few months to navigate. This is great if you’re willing to wait; unfortunately, this is rarely the case.

Isn’t it more efficient to have staff who are already trained and equipped to handle the tasks at hand? You’ll save time and money with plug-and-play teams. If you’re racing to meet a critical point in deliverables or timelines, a leased staff is exactly what you need.

2. You outsource customer service to compensate for a lack of expertise.

There’s always someone able and willing to take on any task, someone more efficient and cost-effective. You’ll burn out if you try to do everything on your own, especially the menial tasks. Routine is often the biggest roadblock to progress! If you’re admittedly unable to perform tasks for lack of knowledge or experience, it’s in your best interest to hire people who can fill the gap.

Partner with teams who are experts in areas you’re lacking, and make sure they share your company’s goals and vision. You’ll immediately realize you made the right decision, when your business runs like clockwork from the get-go.

3. You can’t spare time/you’re too busy.

This is a desperation to keep up with tasks you simply don’t have time for. It’s true time is your most valuable commodity, and an investment in the right team ensures you have spare time to focus on bigger priorities. Entrusting multiple tasks to one person doesn’t help either; this is risking a burnout. You’re in danger of losing top talent just because you piled one task too many.

The efficient solution is to outsource customer service, hire a team with all the skills and experience you need. If you barely have time to develop in-house, then you’d best hire ready and capable staff, always on-hand and for lease.

Outsource Customer Service? Here's How You Negotiate With A BPO Service Provider

Planning To Outsource Customer Service? Here’s How You Negotiate With A BPO Service Provider (Part 1 of 2)

Are you sifting through offers and counter-offers from providers? Option is always a good thing, the more the merrier. But, squeezing the best deal out of your candidates requires different skill: negotiation. If you’re going to outsource customer service, the negotiations determine how feasible the terms turn out. You don’t want to be on the losing end of the agreement, even if it’s a bargain.

Silence is a tactic seldom used in negotiations. But, if timed properly and in the right context, your silence will give you the upper hand. Here are three opportunities you’ll leverage by staying quiet:

1. When The Other Party Makes An Unreasonable Demand

Your impulse could be to protest with a retort, but in almost every occasion it’s better to stay quiet. At the very least, sustain a prolonged pause. The other party might be thinking you’ll cave in or argue; either way they get what they wanted. It’s also possible the goal is to obtain a reaction from you; will you flinch?

The best response is to keep your composure and stay still. This is effective if you don’t know exactly how to respond, not yet. The other party may have caught you off guard. Don’t show it, stall until you’ve regained your bearing.

2. When You Realize You’re Monopolizing The Talk Time

It happens. You’re so engrossed in your pitch you forget the other party may have reservations with your proposal. Or the questions piled up unaddressed because you’ve rattled so much information it’s too late to backtrack. Note that some prospects like to bide their time so they can build a case against your offer, and then retaliate with a nasty, point-to-point counter.

Discretion is important in negotiations; tread slowly, like you’re walking on eggshells. Share only information relevant to the negotiation, the bare minimum. Everything else can wait. Compare the conversation (or correspondence) to chess, where every move you make has end-game consequence.

3. When The Other Party Is Speaking

Never interrupt; it works to your advantage. If you’re going to outsource customer service, apply the principle of good conversation with intentional listening. Is your prospect five minutes into a litany of terms and exclusions? Hear the other party out; approach it as someone after a bargain, and find a way to turn the tables, if you can.

Take notes, and use these as fodder for your counter-offer. It’s ideal if the negotiation is conducted over email, but the same principles apply in person or over the phone. Maintain presence of mind in the interchange, and resist any urge to butt in on your prospect’s spiel.

Finding the best BPO service provider can be a challenge, especially if you want to outsource customer service to a provider with the most feasible bid. Remember, silence is your ally in negotiations; when in doubt, pause and resist the urge the speak out.

Do You Want to Grow Your Clientele? Work on Your Retention Rate

The primary objective of a business is to attract customers, with goal of covincing them to buy products or services. However, many entrepreneurs are unaware the true success of a company is measured through its ability to retain its clientele – something as important as gaining new customers. Business owners should understand the fact that maintaining existing customers contributes more to the success of the company; acquiring new clients cost more than keeping existing ones. Unlike a business that has a large base of clientele, companies with low customer retention rate tend to struggle in developing and growing their markets.

Research has proven the significance of customer retention in the success of a business, and these studies have determined the cause-and-effect factors involving the tendencies of a company to lose or retain existing customers. While some of the data in these research may slightly differ from each other, the prevailing results show that the customer retention rate of a certain business depends wholly on the way business owners handle their services/products and their customers.

To give you some insights on how to properly manage your business, here are some academically approved tips on how to boost up your company’s customer retention rate.

Clear Communication, Effective Brand Positioning

Building a strong relationship with your clients doesn’t happen overnight – it takes the same effort as building personal relationships. It also requires acute strategies to make it happen. Creating a real and friendly connection is a great way to start if you’re aiming for loyal customers. Research says that clients most often stay in a certain brand if the company share the same goals and values. If you want people to truly understand your brand, you have to establish a clear message that will convey your purpose.
Another way to get consumers to trust your business is by having a positive social proof. According to studies, good social proofs such as testimonials are the most effective way of getting people to know your business. Use different platforms of communication to connect with your clients. Social media is today’s most convenient mode of contact, utilize it to constantly inform people about your business.

Customer Identification and Education

Studies show that the only way to truly get to your target market is to know their needs and to understand the way they think. Start by identifying your customers –their goals, aspirations, likes, and dislikes. Once you’ve established a clear perception of these, it is easier to formulate a marketing tactic that will attract their curiosity and attention. The important thing to remember here is that people should be able to relate to your message, so they’re encouraged to continue patronage of your business. Know the things that your customers love to hear, and use these to your advantage when presenting your products or services. This way, they will be willing to purchase in a constant manner.

Consumers appreciate it when you communicate with them directly, for it makes them feel important. Talking to them and informing them of your latest features and offers also add up to the good image of your business. As proven by research, customers love being informed about new products that would benefit and suit their needs and preferences. Providing helpful tips is also a great way to keep existing clients to visit and avail of your services.

Exceptional Customer Service

One of most effective ways to keep loyal customers is by providing exceptional customer service. Clients tend to continue patronage on businesses that cater good service and product quality. Being polite and responsible are some of the characteristics that people often look for in a service staff. If they feel they’re being attended to accordingly and willingly, there’s increased the chance that they’ll keep coming back. As much as possible, avoid incidents that would make your clients dissatisfied; solve problems as soon as possible, always make it a point to apologize for any inconvenience, make it up to the customer if you have to.

Customers are the most important element in a business. The growth of a company depends wholly on them, thus, it is crucial that business owners meet their standards and satisfaction. Being able to retain clients is a sign of success in the company’s part, and gaining a high customer retention rate lies upon the hands of the business owners -how they manage their services, how they treat their customers, and most importantly, how they maintain a good image.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Maximizing Customer Retention: Handling Complaints

Why Bother With Post-Sales Follow Up?

You Need These Five People to Succeed in Business

Five Tips for Providing the Best Customer Service Experience

A bad customer experience can ruin your business reputation, drive customers away. This is unfortunate realization for companies forced to recall products, compensate for poor service. It’s really difficult to make up for such scenarios, especially when you’re up against angry customers who just wouldn’t quit. This is why many consider customer service outsourcing an efficient solution to complaint management. Whether your customer support is in-house or leased, these best practices should spare you from mistakes too many companies fumbled with.

1. Provide a clear explanation

You’re very familiar with your industry’s technologies and terminologies, and they say familiarity breeds contempt – towards your customers. If you can’t explain your service in plain and simple terms, the customer will feel misunderstood, even patronized. The clarity of communication is important because it affects everything you do. It influences the customer’s decision in buying as well as their experience in using the product or service offered.

Aside from slangs, colloquialisms, or technical jargon, you should also avoid passive-aggressive language and negative undertones. Explain things in chronological order or in order of difficulty, complemented by a friendly voice; your customers appreciate clarity.

2. Active Listening

In answering queries and dealing with customer complaints, listen with an intent to understand what the real problem is. If you ignore the issue or fail to meet your customer’s expectations, the situation could worsen or escalate.

To save you from failed communication, pay close attention to the words used, as well as the tone and other nonverbal signals used in a conversation. Through this simple practice, you would know where a customer is coming from, and you can address the problem correctly and efficiently. If you’ve considered customer service outsourcing, invest in training and coaching programs to ensure your support is equipped to handle the worst customer complaints.

3. Use Positive Language

One way you’ll steer clear of accidental conflicts brought by failed communication is to use positive language. Instead of saying “can’t” or “unavailable,” shift to words that propose a definite solution. When the focus of the conversation is on the outcome, the customer is less likely upset in the end. Done professionally and formally, the angry or frustrated customer will still trust your brand.

4. Follow up on Customer Requests

Whether you promised to give an update on a request or not, the customer expects the agent to follow through until completion. Failing to do leaves the impression you’re unprofessional, and may smear the reputation of your business. Before it happens, keep in mind all the requests deserve an immediate response, ensure your customers are guided from start to finish. Remember to be accountable for the customers’ satisfaction, making them feel important and valued.

5. Close the Conversation on a Good Note

Closing a conversation is more than just saying thank you and goodbye. A good agent doesn’t leave an issue hanging and unresolved. He/she guarantees that every transaction completely addressed the customer’s question or achieved the purpose of the call. Your willingness to close a conversation correctly shows that you want to get things right and care about the customer’s gratification.
A good customer experience sustains retention. Manage your customer base well and watch your prospects grow through word-of-mouth, on social media. Building a good reputation takes time; value what you’ve accomplished by keeping constant pulse on your customers.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Maximizing Customer Retention: Handling Complaints

Essentials of Contact Center Management: Call Handling

Four Easy Steps to Calming Angry Clients