The Perks of Staff Leasing QA

Whether it’s about maintaining a system or shared services, every company wants its products ready to market, as soon as possible. This also apply to operations within the office, in effort to achieve improved and efficient work flow. The best way to ensure products or services meet standards is through quality assurance (QA), led by a professional quality analyst.

Your dedicated team of QAs is crucial to the success of your company. However, your dilemma is in choosing between an in-house or outsource team. As much as there are benefits to keeping quality assurance operations in-house (such as confidentiality and easy monitoring), hiring a QA team through staff leasing is still the cost-effective solution.

Going beyond the usual reasoning of outsourcing a certain business operation (e.g. a cut in overhead expenses, no need for additional training, etc.), outsourcing QA affords the company additional benefits such as objectivity, high level of expertise, and all the necessary resources/infrastructure. Having a dedicated offshore also relaxes the workload of an existing in-house team, allowing you delegate tasks as you deem fit.


In most companies, an in-house QA team is commonly the same ones who have created the product or service itself. By employing a QA team through staff leasing, the business can perform unbiased testing, and spot errors or defects faster that an in-house QA team might overlook.

A staff leased QA team can also offer a new perspective on how to better improve the product or service, as well as suggest possible routes to advance the overall production process.


A staff leased QA team is expected to be skilled and professional by default. Its members developed a lot of experience that enables them to take on any given tasks. The company would no longer need to worry about lack of professionalism, capability, or quality of service.

When it comes to short-term projects, a staff leased QA team is able to meet goals more effectively and efficiently, given their competence and mastery of the field. A skillful QA team can also better handle large volumes of workload faster, which makes for a better investment than having to train a full-time, in-house team (to reach that same level of productivity) from scratch.

Complete Resources/Infrastructure

In companies that cannot house or facilitate the needed resources or infrastructure for certain testing systems, a staff leased QA team is the perfect solution to the problem. Dedicated outsourced QA teams would naturally have all the tools and systems at hand, so they can readily meet the objectives of a project.

With the right staff leased QA team, the company can expect a boost in productivity—both in the QA sector and overall operations. And by letting the experts of the field manage the quality assurance of the company’s product or service, they gain not only a better sense of how to improve their operations, they’ll also effectively reduce risks that come with the business.

Elsewhere on this blog:

Monitoring Social Media: Where’s Your Focus?

Business Metrics: What Surveys Can Do For Your Business

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