Call Center Job Interview Key Points: Initial Interview

Questions You Should Be Able To Answer the Right Way

The initial interview is always the hardest part to get through in a call center job application. The interviewer doesn’t only test your skills, they also test your behavior.

Among several call center companies in Metro Manila, there are those that have the same job interview strategies, initial interview questions, written tests and even the manner of presenting the exams; the one-on-one or a group interview first, account-specific exams, a phone simulation and then the final one-on-one interview with the manager or in front of a panel.

In a call center job application interview, there can be several answers to just one question and one single answer to several questions. So if you’re applying for a position in a call center company, you have to make sure you answer the interviewer the right way.

The Initial Interview

Though it’s boring for some and repetitive to others who have already applied to other call center companies, this part of the job interview is crucial in determining whether you’re skills are enough or not for the positions they are offering.

Considered as the most difficult part of a call center job interview, the initial interview basically tests your skills so the interviewer can determine in which account your skills will suit the best.

How to answer in an initial interview? Answer all of the questions with honesty, sell yourself (your skills), and answer in straight English. Honesty will be your best stepping stone when you enter the call center industry, because when you lie about yourself and your skills, your team leader or supervisor can easily detect that during training period and they will drop you out without remorse.

Note: Team Leaders, Supervisors and Managers are well trained in reading the behaviors of their staff as well as the applicants. So lying is not a very good idea.

Sample Questions on Initial Interviews:

  1. Tell me something that’s not written in your resume.
  2. Why did you leave your last position, or why are you leaving your current position?
  3. Why should we hire you?
  4. How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now?
  5. How would your last boss and colleagues describe you?

Carefully study the sample questions above, these are just common job interview questions that many call center companies use today, but do not take them lightly. What the interviewer is looking for in your answers is your ability to speak in straight English, proper diction and grammar, your spontaneity, body language and the manner of how you answer each question.

Next part >> “Call Center Job Interview Key Points: Written Tests”. Continue reading?